Спеціальність 014 Середня освіта. 014.04 Середня освіта (Математика). ОС Бакалавр
EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM «Secondary Education (Mathematics)». The first level of higher education. Course Area 014 Secondary Education (Mathematics). Field of Study 01 «Education / Pedagogy». Qualification: Teacher of mathematics.
CONCEPT OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Course Area 014 Secondary Education (Mathematics). Field of Study 01 «Education / Pedagogy» name Educationally professional program «Secondary Education (Mathematics)». The first level of higher education (including training for foreigners, and stateless persons)
Спеціальність 014 Середня освіта. 014.04 Середня освіта (Математика). ОС Магістр
EDUCATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM «Secondary education (Mathematics)». The second (master's) level of higher education. Course Area Secondary education (Mathematics). Field of Study 01 Education / Pedagogy. Qualification: Mathematics teacher. Teacher of informatics (including training for foreigners, and stateless persons).
CONCEPT OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES. Course Area 014 Secondary Education (Mathematics). Field of Study 01 «Education / Pedagogy». Name Educationally professional program «Secondary Education (Mathematics)» The second level of higher education ( Master) (including training for foreigners, and stateless persons)